STOP Nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to US Supreme Court
Position: Senate members should oppose her nomination, vocally.
Sotomayor has made public statements and issued rulings that indicate:
- Lack of respect for the right to bear arms
- Racial and gender bias
- Lack of respect for property rights
- Has indicated "empathy" is a higher priority than following the law
- Made a statement that appellate court judges make law
- Her testimony last week has troubling contradictions in contrast to her writings and the facts of her life.
- During her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she showed a surprising lack of technical legal knowledge during some questioning, particularly in an interchange with Senator Hatch.
- Has had a high rate of judicial error - 40%+ (her rulings were overturned)
- Supports abortion through her statement that Roe v. Wade is settled law
- We should oppose those who are not clearly strict constructionists
- Supporters of the Constitution in the Senate need to start showing themselves
- Members of the Senate need to put the President on notice regarding this and future nominees to the Court
Conclusion of the hearings process, no clear date available regarding full Senate floor vote
Gun Owners of America has been closely watching and researching this nominee, providing very good general information (beyond the Second Amendment) on their site.
GOA's Executive Director Larry Pratt, was a guest on a special episode of the Blog Talk Radio show The Constitutional Liberty Coalition Gets Grizzly on Thursday, July 16 to discuss the Sotomayor nomination. Larry gave a good deal of detailed information about Sotomayor and why her nomination should be opposed. You can listen by clicking here.
Former Supreme Court Nominee Robert Bork made statements regarding Sotomayor and recent history on the confirmation process on Newsmaxx, Tuesday.
Wall Street Journal article on how little information was gleaned from Sotomayor's testimony.
- Maintain pressure on US Senate and House representatives (contact them)
- On particular issues, contact your Governor, State legislators, county, and city representatives.
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
- Forward this message to everyone in your contacts list
- Call the office for your Senator or House representatives
- Ask to speak directly with your Senator or Congressman
- Be sure to give your zip code so they know you are a constituent
- Be polite, but firm
- The next best method to a phone call is a fax, the least effective is email (make the phone ring in the office!)
- Several bills currently moving through Congress, if passed, seriously encroach on states' rights, and in turn will put a lot of pressure on county and city governments.
- It is essential that our state governments assert their sovereign rights
- Although State legislatures are not currently in session this is the period during which legislators have the time to consider issues that need attention, or bills they will sponsor.
(for more details/links on these bills)
"Health Care Reform" / Socialized Medicine
Several versions exist Was H.R. 676 now, H.R. 3200 (see summary article, linked)
Stated Purpose: To make affordable health care available to all
Position: OPPOSE
The PASS Act H.R. 1291
Stated Purpose: To better protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of personally identifiable information collected by States when issuing driver’s licenses and identification documents, and for other purposes.
Position: OPPOSE
HR 2454 (2998) American Clean Energy and Security Act - Cap & Trade
Stated purpose: Reduce carbon emissions, achieve energy independence
Position: Oppose
S. 909 Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Bill
Purpose: Increases penalties for certain crimes committed against certain people, particularly based on sexual orientation
Position: OPPOSE
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