Wednesday, July 1, 2009

D. R. I. P. USA

This is my take on our current situation:

The Tea Parties began as a grassroots effort on Twitter
February 2, 2009. We have complete documentation of that fact on this blog. What has happened to the movement is usually what happens when politicians and their hacks get involved. Unfortunately, some of the people fell for the "power trip" and were seduced into collecting email lists, etc. PayPal buttons (etc) appeared overnight on blogs that were originally purely grassroots.

Tea Party pages popped up everywhere. When they start collecting money, to whom does it go? I am betting on the usual suspects. Some of us are very upset about this for obvious reasons. Once the Gingrich, Armey, and Rove (etc) people get involved we are back at square one! Our only hope as free people is to throw the incompetent thieves out of the House and Senate! At least let them know we are watching every flipping thing they do.

@DRIPusa (on Twitter) is the "mother ship". DRIP= Dont Re-elect Incumbent Politicians. The @--grassroots states will report on each of their Senators and as many of their Congressmen as possible. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. We will leave no stone unturned and whatever crawls out, so be it.

We need people that are with us. People who realize the importance of this manuever. People who love our country and want to save our Constitutional Republic. Each state needs a manager for it's page, to post activities, and report how their representatives vote; tell who and what they are!!

Teaparty Grassroots is the main URL for each state. People are hungry for some form of uniformity. We must have uniformity to be united as a people.

We started @DRIPusa, 1 week ago. All 50 states now have a grassroots Twitter page. Our first mission is to STOP CapNtade in the Senate. We all work late at night to help organize with anyone that needs help. We are not paid for our efforts, nor do we back down from those that are. We do it for God, Family and Country.

If you would like to join us, and you agree with our philosophy, please let us know.We need real Patriots without significant encumbering political ties. Contact @DRIPusa if you would like to join us.

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